Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Goats...trying something new

Onto our next adventure.... Goat Farming? Ok, not really goat farming but John has made it his mission to get a couple goats and was lucky enough to find a girl in Burlington (just a minute down the road) who breeds pygmy's.  Well, not so much breeds them as just has a couple babies born each year because her male goat is just so good looking...and boy is he! (who would've thought that you could tell a good looking goat from a non-good looking goat?)

So last weekend we went out to see the babies and pick out the ones we would like.... (its funny how fast things happen when John wants something)
No Name:  born 3/23/12
After much consideration and going back and forth trying to decide we settled on the two babies who were born within the 24 hours of our visit.  The little black one above is a gentleman... so sweet and silly.  Snuggled in Abi's arms for the duration of our visit.  But when they let him back in his pen he was having the time of his life showing off his "goating" skills by bullying a chicken... who was about twice his size and could seem to careless that the kid existed!  But it was too cute not to watch!
Daisy:  born 3/24/12
The little lady below was born the morning we were there...and already jumping around and hanging with her mom like she'd been on earth a week! She ended up falling asleep right in John's arms while we stood there discussing things and since we had really wanted a girl picking the two newest babies made the most sense.  Unfortunately both babies will not be ready until June (possibly earlier if they wean early...but we wont push it).
Have you met Rover?
Then there is....Rover!  Rover is a one year old male who was too cute to not notice.  They let us know Rover was also available and already one year old.  Now I know pygmy's are small but Rover was particularly small ~ even for a pygmy.  He seemed a little shy and his personality was nothing to write home about...but there was something lost about Rover that I couldn't get past.  After we left we considered Rover as an option over and over. 
When we had originally planned to visit the goats it was to see two male kids and their sister who would be ready in May...but once we were there we discovered that the little girl was already spoken to take Rover and the two boys would leave us with alot of testosterone on our hands.  We weren't sure how well that would work out in our favor~castrated or not!

After sleeping on it...or not sleeping on it rather, i was awake half the night thinking about what the right choice would be...saying that we needed to take the newest baby girl and boy was easy.  So the next day we went back and put a deposit down on the two babies and let them know if Rover was still around in June when we came back we would most likely take that little guy too. 
I'm glad we went back that day... Rover showed his personality that day and was as silly as the babies the day before.  If he's still there I think his true personality will be able to shine here in our smaller, less goaty setting.

Next purchase.... chicks!

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