Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gardening 101

We are making our second-ever attempt at gardening this year. So far only the tomato seeds have been planted and this morning I noticed our very first sprout. It seemed a bit flimsy and doesn't hold much promise as far as I'm concerned...but I couldn't resist sharing the photo op here:
While enjoying the beautiful spring weather this afternoon I went ahead planted all of my sunflower seeds. I am hoping to have the best sunflower garden around the pool this year.  I have had great luck with planting sunflowers in years past...however last year I was unsuccessful in growing even a couple decent blooms.  I'm hoping to make up for it this year... and it provides an autumn treat for the birds and squirrels!
I'm soooo excited!  I have four variety of sunflowers planted... colors ranging from white to autumn orange.  I absolutely can't wait to see what they look like when they are in full bloom!  I'm hoping that having started them from seed this early will give them a head start and they might bloom slightly earlier then normal.

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