Monday, November 5, 2012

Doppler Pony cont...

So Doppler has been with us a total of a month and about a week or two now.  We have learned during this time exactly how feisty this little beast of a horsey he really is.  If you give him a bath....
He will roll.  Actually...the bath was the first time we saw him roll.  That was the second day we had him, not a day has gone by since...that he hasn't rolled! In fact, this is the rolliest pony I have ever seen.  We will come home from work, school, wherever and you can guarantee (yes guarantee) that 100% of the time you will find Doppler covered from ears to tail in MUD!
Once you clean him up (and he will stand still all day long while being groomed) he has no problem giving pony rides.  Unfortunately we don't have a saddle for pony rides, so Garrick has to go it bareback. OUCH!
Kate stopped by and took him for a quick swing around the paddock...he didn't seem to mind that.  She got him to trot for a little bit, however...not riding with real reins and just his halter has proven to be somewhat effective... but don't you need a bit to control a horse?
Abi has spent many an hour riding him bareback around the yard, around his arena....just riding him for pleasure.  Letting Doppler get to know her and she him.  He's been a really good boy.

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