Sunday, November 4, 2012

Abi's Room Complete

This is late news, but I wanted to add them anyway...Abi's room was eventually finished and she is very happy in her attic hideaway.  Its difficult to take pics in a room with slanted walls, it looks all very piecey... but, here are the completed pictures:
the view from mason's room straight in

Her dressing area

More of the dressing area

More dressing area

The view from the dressing area into her bed room area

This is in her dressing area also, you can see the cool little  necklace holder thing we made! 

Nifty Lamp Shade made out of ruffles!

Her bed tucked under the skylight

The desk we painted turquoise and added cheap glass knobs and an old wooden chair. 

The TV is opposite her bed


More chotckies...she likes her stuff.

Ruffle Curtains were a nice addition, wish you could see them better

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