Thursday, May 3, 2012

We got Babies... Cheep cheep

On a bit of a whim me and Abi stopped by the local feed store to get chicks.  I knew the store had gotten the chicks in the week prior and I also knew the chicks go fast in our town, so you have to be quick.  We woke up early and were rushing because we needed to be to several different places that morning.

We pulled back our hair, threw on our shoes and we were off.

After wandering around for a few minutes, and letting the kid running the place finish up with his customers, I asked if they had chicks left.  He escorted us to the back room straight to a feed bin full of rust colored little babies.  I was a little sad that there wasn't a great variety of colored chicks to choose from, everything he showed us was of the same breed, which turned out to be Rhode Island Reds, and he assured us they were all hens (although there is always that chance that you get a Roo or two). 

We opted for 12 little babies (at $2.50 each why wouldn't you opt for 12?), grabbed chick started, a warming bulb, paid our $42 and off we went.  Above you can see the babies just after we got home soaking up the sun.  So smoochable and small!

Here are the ladies more recently with all their wing feathers in and back feathers starting to grow in
The great thing about having twelve identical birds is that I can't tell one from the other... making it very difficult to create a bond with them.  Bonding with my animals is what makes me a notoriously awful pet owner.  I take it very personal when an animal in my care is injured, sick, or dies. In fact it tears me apart on the inside... which causes me to get another animal in an attempt to make up for what was just lost.  I am somewhat of a controlled "animal hoarder". 

I realize I am, and I work very hard to keep myself under control. 

These are not a shy breed, and what I have read is that Rhode Island Reds can be a rather aggressive breed,  the roosters have been known to kill foxes who attempt to disrupt their flock...and as a group they will kill rodents who enter their coop.  These are things of which I'm not too concerned, as I can also be an aggressive breed.  ;)

I am hopeful that I do have a rooster, but worried that I will end up with more then two.  Apparently the Rhode Island Reds are one of the toughest breeds to sex ~ so I guess only time will tell what I've got!


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