Saturday, May 5, 2012

Which Came First...

You remember the age old dilemma...which came first, the chicken or the egg?  Well for me the answer is easy... these little girls are definitely here before their egg laying capabilities... even John admitted this weekend he couldn't wait for them to get older and begin not have to go out and buy eggs anymore (ah the good old days).  At any rate ~
                      Look how big they have gotten!

All feathered and pretty... Actually, who am I kidding, this is like the awkward stage every teen goes through.  Half feathered, half chick fuzz.  They are all getting quite their own little personalities.  When you go visit them (as we do frequently to ensure that their aggression is saved for predators...not caretakers) they fly out of their cage and land on your lap or hand...whichever is more convenient.  I took a funny video of them, but haven't figured out how to get that off my phone yet. :)  Once I do I will surely try to post that on here as well.
My biggest gripe at this point is the amount of poop they are capable of generating... and how badly they stink! Having to house them in our first floor bathroom is leaving the living area of the home somewhat stink-ih-fied!  But they are little yet, what can I do? Certainly not kick them out.  I think they will be ready to move out the same time the goats are ready to move in.  That should be a fun day in the Webster House!

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