Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Old blog meet new.....

Previous to our move i had created a blog...which i can now refer to as "the old blog".  I had to stop using that blog because I couldn't help but feel that it was cursed.  I am a superstitious person, and in the time i had that blog I had one baby squirrel disappear,  a chicken's butt fall out, another chicken maimed by my loving dogs, who then subsequently kill three more one rainy day when i forgot to put them in the house before i left for work (this coming from the same girl who swore her dogs would never harm a feather on her chickens).  It may have been this event alone that caused me to give up. 

But with every end there is a new beginning...  If you are interested in viewing the old blog you can certainly do so: .  As for me... I'm going to stay away in hopes that no more animals will be lost due to its existence!

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